Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park is Tanzania’s first and most famous national park, situated north of Tanzania, the legendary Serengeti national park is a land of endless plains dotted with abundant wildlife, and the beautiful culture of the Masai people, the animals of the park are always on the move triggered by seasonal rains and the hunt for greener pastures, it is the only place you can find the millions of animals moving from one destination to another. It is Tanzania’s re-known national conservation area famous for its gym of wild animals including lions and leopards. These two are a must-see when on Tanzania safari here, easy to locate because they are everywhere!

Serengeti national park was established as a game reserve in 1930 in what is eastern Serengeti and northern Serengeti today, the national park originally consisted of the Ngorongoro crater and was gazette together as a national park in 1951, later Ngorongoro was divided from the Serengeti in 1956, the Serengeti national park was among the first places to be recognized under the world heritage sites of the world. The Serengeti plains are set at an altitude between 1600-1800m above sea level. Several rivers in the national conservation area act as water catchment areas for the animals on the unending move.

Serengeti national park is full of open savannah part of it is grasslands, kopjes, hills, marshes, and woodlands, these in combination provide shelter for a high density of animals. it has a life-filled environment, one place you can spot the big five of the wilderness, It is a hiding place for Black Rhinos, cheetahs, lions, hyenas, topi, wild beasts, African buffaloes, lesser and greater kudus, Masai giraffes, bahor reedbucks, Oribi, roan antelope, grey duiker, more than 500 birds have been spotted in Serengeti national park, the park is a magical mystery, during the dry seasons of the year it is unseen, only the wildlife and a long golden brown color, and in a single shower the magical plain lands will turn into a beautiful green carpet, the rivers are dotted with Acacia trees.

Wild beast migration is a major theme of the park, the hooting sound of animals can only be told by reaching the ground and experiencing this move physically, it feels as though the ground will fall apart, Thousands of animals run to cross to Masai Mara in search of food and pastures, in this situation it is survival for the fittest, the cross rivers infested with predators including crocodiles and cats waiting to feed, it is mating season as well. The exclusive wild beast migration begins in December –July, to see predators, June and October are the best time to visit, to view and have chances of the migration, it is wise to allow at least 3 days in the national park.

The bird life of Serengeti national park is quite reputable, it has been selected as part of those best birding spots, over 500 bird species have been recorded here, from the smallest sunbird to big birds, and there are special birds endemic to the Serengeti region and cannot be found anywhere else in the world, these include the grey throated spur fowl, red-throated tit, grey threatened spurfowl. Other species are white-faced whistling duck, common ostrich, yellow-billed duck, Egyptian goose, African black duck, common teal, African pygmy goose, Common quail, blue quail, scaly francolin, red-winged francolin, Shelly’s francolin, greater and lesser flamingo, African olive pigeon, lemon dove, black-faced sand grouse, European nightjar, scares swift, blue-headed coucal, common swift, African swift, African fin foot, grey crowned crested crane to mention a few.

Cultural encounters in Serengeti national park. The park is home to the indigenous Masai people, the hosts of the park are the reason it is called Serengeti a Masai word to mean endless plains, the Masai people have managed to live up to their cultures, they are perfectly fitted in the environment of origin and Known to be hospitable, a visit to the Masai people is a very rewarding community, their culture Norms, and customs are thrilling., travelers can participate in the dance and songs.

Serengeti national park holds the history of Man at the Olduvai Gorge, Based on early archeologists, it is believed that this is the place where doctor Louis from the remains of early man. The national park can be visited all year round but is best during the dry season. Getting to the park can be by road from Arusha or taking a charter flight from the international airport.

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